
how to find density of a gas

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Density is divers as the amount of mass present in a given volume. For solids and liquids, this is a fairly straightforward measurement. However, gases are extremely responsive to temperature and pressure (more so than solids or liquids), which can cause their densities to change rather chop-chop. We'll show yous how to find the density of a gas experimentally, accounting for temperature and pressure level sensitivity. Then, we'll become over the formula to calculate the theoretical density of a gas, using the Ideal Gas Police to account for all variables.

  1. one

    Make full a balloon. A airship is designed to be inflated by gas, which makes information technology the perfect vessel for you to store a fixed amount of gas. You can fill the balloon with air using a pump, or yous tin can choose another blazon of gas such as helium or nitrogen. In one case the airship is filled, necktie off the end so that no gas escapes.

  2. ii

    Submerge the balloon completely in a articulate container. Next, submerge the airship in a container of h2o. The airship will crusade the water level to rise. Mark the new top of the water and remove the airship.


  3. 3

    Measure the corporeality of displaced water. Utilize a measuring instrument (east.yard., a cup or beaker) to measure the amount of water needed to fill the container to the mark (without the balloon in the water). Cascade slowly. If you cascade too much, yous will have to start over. The volume of the airship is equal to the volume of the water y'all add. Record this value for after use as V.

    • You can save time by submerging the balloon into a large chalice or other pre-measured container. Then yous tin skip adding any water and simply subtract the book of the h2o from the volume of the h2o and balloon.
  4. iv

    Weigh the gas filled balloon. You can counterbalance the airship using a sensitive calibration. Electric scales are commonly the best for this application. Record the weight of the gas filled balloon for later utilise as gGB.

    • If you are filling the balloon with a gas that is lighter than air, you will demand to weigh the take before and after you lot fill up the airship to make up one's mind the corporeality of gas used.
  5. 5

    Find the mass of the empty airship. Poke a hole in the airship. This will allow the gas to escape. Counterbalance the airship again and record the weight of the empty airship as grandB.

  6. 6

    Do the calculations. Now that you have plenty data, you lot can calculate the density of the gas inside the balloon. Subtract the weight of the empty balloon, mB, from the weight of the full balloon, thousandGB. This will give you the mass of the gas lone, mM. Divide the mass of the gas, 1000Thousand, by the volume, V, of the gas to find the density of the gas, DK.

    • chiliadGB - grandB = mG
      • For example, if the full balloon had a mass of 1 kg and the empty balloon had a mass of 0.5 kg, the mass of the gas (mG) would exist constitute past: one kg - 0.5 kg = 0.5 kg.
    • 1000G / V = DYard
      • For example, if the balloon displaced ane Fifty of water, the density could exist found by dividing the mass by that book: 500 chiliad / one L = 500g/Fifty
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  1. 1

    Understand the Ideal Gas Law. You should know that the Ideal Gas Law is a theoretical tool that governs the beliefs of gases under specific conditions. You tin can summarize it in the equation PV=nRT. This but means that pressure (P) multiplied by book (V) is equal to the number of moles (north) times the Platonic Gas Constant (R) times the absolute temperature (T) for an ideal gas. [i]

    • A mole (north) is equal to 6.022*10^23 molecules of gas.
    • The Ideal Gas Constant (R) is 0.0821 50·atm/mol·K.
    • Accented temperature is measured in Kelvins (K).
  2. ii

    Assume standard temperature and pressure. Standard temperature and pressure, or STP, is defined as 273 M (32 °F) ( 0 °C) and 1 standard temper (1.0 bar). Assuming STP allows you to calculate the book of 1 mole of any gas to be 22.414 liters. Knowing this volume will be imperative to finding the density of your gas.[2]

  3. three

    Find the molar mass of the gas. Since you are using STP and bold 1 mole of gas, the finding the molar mass will be piece of cake. Add the molar mass of all of the individual atoms that make up you gas to observe the molar mass of the gas. The atomic masses tin exist found on the periodic table.[three]

    • For example, finding the molar mass of H2O gas would mean adding the masses of 2 hydrogens and one oxygen. The resulting molar mass would be 18 g/mol (1 g/mol + one thousand/mol + sixteen g/mol).
  4. 4

    Calculate the density of the gas. Though the book and moles of gas are fixed in these calculations, the molar mass is different for every gas. That means that the density volition be unlike for each gas likewise. To observe a given gas density, divide the tooth mass of the gas by the molar book (22.four Fifty / mol in this example).[four]

    • For case, if y'all were looking for the density of h2o vapor, you would divide eighteen g/mol by 22.4 50/mol to yield 0.804 g/L. That is: 18 k/mol / 22.4 50/mol = 0.804 g/L.
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  1. i

    Know the fractional breakdown of the gas mixture. If you have mixed ii or more gases, you will need to know how much of each gas is present. This is washed on a percent basis. That allows yous to know the ratios of the mixture regardless of how much gas is nowadays overall.[5]

    • For example, if y'all had a mixture of 75% CO2 (carbon dioxide) and 25% HtwoO (h2o), those ratios would not alter whether you accept 1 L or 1,000 Fifty of gas.
  2. 2

    Detect the mass of one mole. By knowing the ratio of your gases, you tin discover the tooth mass of your mixture. You lot will accept to notice the tooth mass of each gas, and multiply it by its percent limerick in the mixture. And so, add all of the products together to find the molar mass of the gas mixture.[half-dozen]

    • For instance, you would find the tooth mass of CO2 (44 thousand/mol) and multiply it by 0.75. Adjacent you lot would discover the molar mass of H2O (xviii g/mol) and multiply information technology by 0.25. When you lot add these products together, 33 g/mol + 4.5 g/mol, you yield the molar mass of your mixture. In this case, the tooth mass is 37.v g/mol.
  3. iii

    Split by the volume. Once the molar mass has been established for your mixture, finding the density of the gas is a unproblematic calculation. Divide the molar mass by the standard book (22.4 L/mol). Remember that y'all are bold STP and i mole of gas.[7]

    • For example, the density of a mixture of 75% carbon dioxide and 25% h2o would exist 37.5 grand / m o fifty / 22.4 L / grand o l = ane.67 g / L {\displaystyle 37.5g/mol/22.4L/mol=1.67g/50} .
    • Y'all must utilize the Platonic Gas Law formula for your calculations if the gas is not at STP (PV=nRT).
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  • Double bank check all calculations before proceeding to the next one.

  • Remember that the theoretical calculations make strict assumptions about the weather of the gas.

  • You need only memorize one formula: PV=nRT. You can use a variation of the same formula to detect other properties. For instance, to find the volume, employ V = nRT/P.


  • With basic equipment, the measuring the density of gas is probable to have meaning error. This is okay for academic applications, only should be taken into account for applications that require more precise results (eastward.k. industrial applications).


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