
how to find ip address on ubuntu

An IP address is one-of-a-kind or a unique numerical identifier such as for a device on the net or a local network. IP stands for "Internet Protocol," a collection of rules and serves two main purposes: network or host interface identification or location address. The IP accost can be both private or public. A public IP address can exist directly accessible over the internet and is usually associated with the gateway to your local network or the router. Your device has a private IP address curtained when connecting to the internet using the router's public IP address. We will discuss approaches to check your private and public IP address both by GUI and CLI. Before going on to the implementation part, permit's look at some details of types of IP addresses. Permit's begin!

Individual IP accost

Your private IP address is used to assign computers to your private area without assuasive them to be exposed to the cyberspace straight. For case, you lot may wish to apply private IP addresses to address every computer within your home if yous have several devices. In this example, the public IP accost is provided for your router, and each device connected to your router receives a private IP accost via the DHCP protocol from your router.

Public IP address

A public IP accost is an Cyberspace-accessible IP accost, i.e., directly accessible over the cyberspace and assigned to the network router connected to the ISP. The public IP address is the internationally unique IP address issued to a LAN. Your router now receives the requests and responses and forrard them to you using your private IP address. Google search makes information technology piece of cake to find your public IP address.


GUI is a graphical user interface that any user may utilise every bit visual advice is provided.

CLI is a control-line interface that uses a last to connect to the server and perform UNIX operations.

For example, you lot could apply Windows Explorer and go to some directory (the GUI). Or, you tin can start a CMD and utilize the cd command to interact with the Bone using CLI.

Find Private IP address via GUI in Ubuntu OS:

For the Ubuntu desktop, ane can check the wireless, private IP accost using the below steps:

  • Open Settings and navigate to Wi-Fi in the left menu.
  • Click on the settings icon later on the continued wifi network.
  • The new tab shows the details, including your IP accost, including IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Observe Private IP Address via CLI in Ubuntu OS

Run the post-obit command to get a individual IP address. For private IP addresses, there will exist wlan0, wlan1, or wlan2 sections where individual IP address details are mentioned.

You can install this command using net-tools which tin be installed by:

sudo apt install net-tools

The private IP address is too found using the following command from the final:

Find Public IP address

Write the below command to get your public IP accost:

Some other alternative to look for your public IP address is to search information technology on Google engine. Since anyone tin can view the public IP address, it is openly available on Google search.


In this commodity, we saw several techniques to notice our IP address (both private and public) in Ubuntu OS. I needs to know IP addresses for diverse activities such as clustering, debugging networks, pinging to a host, connecting servers, etc. IP addresses are unique addresses for each device in the network. You lot will always need IP addresses whenever you run into a task related to exchanging data between multiple devices. Besides, in the IP address instances of our web applications, you will demand to decide the running instances to respond to the requests made between server and customer. All these examples determine the essence of IP addresses in the networking globe.

About the author

Simran works as a technical writer. The graduate in MS Information science from the well known CS hub, aka Silicon Valley, is also an editor of the website. She enjoys writing near any tech topic, including programming, algorithms, deject, data science, and AI. Travelling, sketching, and gardening are the hobbies that involvement her.


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