

Published by Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

ISSN : 24422401     EISSN : 24775622     DOI : -

Core Subject : Education,

FIKROTUNA: A periodical of Islamic Education and Direction published past function and coordinatorate staff of Inquiry and Lodge Service Establishment of Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Al Khairat, Pamekasan. This journal contains scientific studies on Islamic education and Management, educational innovations, educational policy and educational thinking in the form of: 1) Research results, 2) conceptual ideas, iii) literature review, and practical feel.

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Articles 120 Documents

Pesantren Sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan Alternatif di Tengah Arus Globalisasi
FIKROTUNA Vol. three No. 1 (2016): Juli 2016

Publisher :

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstruse | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32806/jf.v3i1.658

Pesantren adalah lembaga pendidikan Islam yang memberikan andil cukup besar dalam membangun bangsa Indonesia. Pesantren sebagai bagian dari pendidikan tetap eksis di tengah kubangan arus globalisasi, bahkan pesantren hingga saat ini dapat berkembang dengan pesat. Perkembangan itu ditunjukkan dengan munculnya pesantren-pesantren baru di Indonesia dan bertambah banyaknya jumlah santri di pesantren. Hal ini karena masyarakat menyadari bahwa pesantrenlah lembaga pendidikan yang lebih aman dari pengaruh arus globalisasi karena santri di pesantren diisolasi dari pengaruh luar pesantren. Disamping itu, dengan aktivitasnya yang berlangsung selama hampir 24 jam mulai dari bangun sebelum subuh hingga menjelang tidur di malam hari dapat membentuk karakter santri yang mandiri. Alasan lain yang menjadi daya tarik minat masyarakat adalah kurikulum integrasi yang diterapkan di pesantren dengan menggabungkan kurikulum pesantren dengan kurikulum formal dimana kebanyakan pesantren saat ini telah mendirikan pendidikan formal mulai dari tingkat sekolah dasar hingga perguruan tingga, sehingga pesantren dianggap sebagai lembaga pendidikan alternatif di tengah arus globalisasi

Zainullah Kurikulum 2013 antara Ideal dan Real ZAINULLAH ZAINULLAH
FIKROTUNA Vol. 3 No. one (2016): Juli 2016

Publisher :

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Prove Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: ten.32806/jf.v3i1.2595

Ideal curriculum is the curriculum that consists of something proficient as the dream of book of curriculum. Existent curriculum is real actions that apply in learning and teaching process as the existent of the planing curriculum. Curriculum content is what nosotros accept to do to the learners and the learning and educational activity is a way of what we will requite or teach to the learners. The development of 2013 curriculum is stresset to compeletness of learners thinking, the impressing of curriculum management, the domination and evolution of material, stressing process of teaching and learning procedure, and lining appropriate of learning responsibility in order to get the guaranty of appropriate between what we desire and what we get. Effected aspect to the implementation of 2013 curriculum raleted directly to the process of learning, namely: teachers' creativities, learners' activities, facilities and recourses.Volition the 2013 curriculum can exist realized by teachers practically in the field? Today, the changing of curriculum reap many responses, some people are pessimistic fifty-fifty declining the curriculum, only at the same time some are appreciative to the curriculum. The changing of curriculum does not touch on the irresolute of the instructor's method and style to teach. It needs revolutionary change in the practice of 2013 curriculum.

Manajemen Pembaharuan Pesantren di Tengah Tantangan Kehidupan Masyarakat Global MOH AFIFUL Pilus
FIKROTUNA Vol. 4 No. ii (2016): Desember 2016

Publisher :

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.114 KB) | DOI: 10.32806/jf.v4i2.2596

Pesantren every bit education institute obliged to perform a renewal refitalisation and utilize to yield taft generations, well informed generation with strength soul of pesantren firmness and develop knowledge which remain to coming from alqur'an and hadis. In growth of era, pesantren in this time bargain with globalization current and modernization marked swiftly fast of engineering science and data. In consequence, pesantren have to make a alter format, form, education method and orientation with note exercise not change vision, orientation and mission of pesantren

Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Berbaisi Kecerdasan Emosional di SMAN one Soppeng Riaja Kabupaten Barru Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan SARIF UDDIN
FIKROTUNA Vol. three No. 1 (2016): Juli 2016

Publisher :

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Prove Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279 KB) | DOI: 10.32806/jf.v3i1.2707

This study is aimed at investigating; (1) What is the purpose of principal leadership emotional intelligence based at SMA 1 Soppeng Riaja, Barru Regency? (2) How does the effort of the application of principal leadership emotional intelligence based conducted by the principal of State School of Senior Loftier School 1 Soppeng Riaja Barru? To answer these bug researcher used qualitative approach. The methods of data collection are: (a) observation, (b) interview, and (c) documentation. While the methods of information analysis used analytical descriptive and reported with thick clarification. The results of the data analysis illustrated that; (i) The purposes of principal leadership emotional intelligence based at SMAN 1 Soppeng Riaja, Barru are: to improve the content standard and school competence, to better standards of learning process, to improve the standard of learning process, to improve the standard of facilities and infrastructure, to improve school management standards, to improve financial standards, to better the standard of educational assessment, and to better the school readiness and external support. (2) The implementation of leadership through four aspects of emotional intelligence. The showtime, the current situation is the command emotion that caused past the events of life, work force per unit area, and the pressure of personal bug in doing tasks and responsibilities. The second, understanding of emotional intelligence is understanding the feelings of self and others in controlling the expression of emotions and go benefit of the potential of emotions as a source of energy and resources. The 3rd, the power of emotional intelligence is self-actualizing potential that include intentionality, creativity, toughness, and interpersonal relationship to motivate and mobilize their staff to work together to participate in the success of school organizational goals. The quaternary, values and beliefs of emotional intelligence is prioritization of affection, angle of view, intuition, personal power and integrity in carrying out the policies and in collaboration with his staff.

Aktivasi Nilai Pendidikan Dalam Konsep Aswaja ZAITUR RAHEM
FIKROTUNA Vol. iii No. 1 (2016): Juli 2016

Publisher :

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Bank check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.361 KB) | DOI: 10.32806/jf.v3i1.2708

Education in Indonesia is similar being in a tangled yarn winding. Growth is lush notwithstanding total of mud and moss. There is a happy face, merely there was an air-rada rada black. Merely put, our education (Republic of indonesia) similar a send sailing aimlessly and goals. Appeared later than this confusion about the various interpretations of education in Indonesia. Such as Grapheme Didactics, Cultural Value-Based Education, Social, Religious and others. The times, the move of ideas and seek solutions to the problems of education in Indonesia continues to grow. A number of researchers, experts and practitioners work together to look for the hallmark of educational activity in Indonesia. Diverse methods and stratgei washed in order to find distinctive character pedagogy formulations ness. In that location are various kinds of character education are taken from the values of both groups, a item doctrine or custom. This new discovery is the responsibility of the observer forms, practitioners and education experts on wajahpendidikan in Indonesia. One of these ideas Aswaja Value-Based Character Education. Is this keaswajaan constructive and could be function of the establishment of the nation's private good?

ESQ Dalam Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Ali Ridho
FIKROTUNA Vol. 3 No. one (2016): Juli 2016

Publisher :

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Bank check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.808 KB) | DOI: ten.32806/jf.v3i1.2709

Pedagogy which is a system in the perspective of anthology is an attempt to humanize humans past an appropriate manner to achieve very high humane values as an endeavour to change too as to motility the cultural values to any individual in society. Only this view is hard to accomplish when the belief that a person's success will occur due to the efforts started early in guild to organize their future without having an education. This newspaper volition provide a breakthrough through leadership of education that is non only based on skilful intellectual ability, just also good emotional and spiritual. With the outcome that it will contribute qualified modern man resources. Modern human Resource is a man existence who has the potential of ad equated intellectual quality. Notwithstanding, sometimes the potential is empty considering it is not matched by the quality of the good faith or emotional. In the fact, they (modern humans) take good reasoning capability. Nonetheless, the success which is useful in the futurity whether for themselves, the customs, the nation and the country are non but enough by having logical thought only. But, it also requires EQ Emotional Caliber (level of emotional or personality) , CQ Creativity Quotient (level of creativity) and SQ Spiritual Quotient (level religiosities or religion and devotion to God. Thus , the national education system must be able to provide a solution- which is able to break of the empty circle of values and morals happening in education system around us . the empty circle nosotros must combine as well as put the intellectual intelligence , emotional intelligence , and spiritual intelligence known as ESQ in order to become residual between the fulfillment of rights and vertical or horizontal obligations. ESQ is a role of the leadership of its resource which include Human Resources and Natural Resources with the system every bit a model of leadership in education. ESQ if applied in educational leadership level, it would exist benign along with the growth and development of the educational organization with the growth of moral values.

Reorientasi Gerakan Feminisme Islam; Sebuah Upaya Membangun Kesetaraan Perempuan ABD WARITS
FIKROTUNA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Juli 2016

Publisher :

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Cheque in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.011 KB) | DOI: 10.32806/jf.v3i1.2710

In the history of women's life, the woman has never cracked from the wild cry of helplessness. Woman e'er go victim of men's egoism, marginalized, hurt, unfettered, fooled and never appreciated the presence and part. This situation troubles many intellectual Muslims who have perspective that Islam teaches equality, equality for all human beings in the globe. The departure in skin color, race, tribe and nation, as well every bit gender does not cause them to go the status of the dissimilar rights and obligations. The potential and the right to life of every man beingness and the obligation to serve the Lord Almighty is the aforementioned. Indeed, all human beings, as caliph in the world, accept the same obligation, namely to prosperity of life in the earth. No one is allowed to deed arbitrarily, destroying, or hurt amid others. They are required to live side by side, united, and harmonious, assist each other and respect each other. However, that "demand" never becomes a reality. The differences among homo identities go a barrier and the crusade of divisions. For them, those who are exterior environment, different identities are "others" who rightly practice non demand them "know". The difference of identity has become a reason to allow "hurt" each other. Several intellectual Muslims who recognize the incorrect (discrimination against women), and then they effort to formulate a movement for women's liberation. All the efforts take been done on the basis of sensation that arbitrary action past whatsoever person tin never be justified. They also realize, that the backwardness of women are "stumbling block" that will lead to the resignation of a civilization. Nonetheless, this struggle found a lot of challenges; including the consideration of "insubordination" to conquer the power of men, despite it had done by using many strategies. Starting from the writing of scientific book and endless fiction themed women has been published in lodge to give awareness of equality betwixt men and women. This paper seeks to reexamine the process of the empowerment struggle to give a brand new concept, so that the struggle of women empowerment is not as insubordination and curiosity process in an attempt to conquer the male. Through approach of literature review and observations on the relationship between men and women, the author finally concluded that the movement of Islamic feminism is not a move to seize the power of men, just an try to liberate women from oppression so that they get the rights of their social role, giving freedom for women to pursue a career every bit broad equally possible similar a human being, without forgetting a principal duty as a mother: to conceive, give birth and breastfeed their children.

FIiqh Proletar: Rekonstruksi Nalar Kepentingan Umum dalam Kasus Pembebasan Tanah untuk Pembangunan Menuju Ke Arah Transformasi Sosial yang Progresif-Humanis AHMAD SYAFI'I SJ
FIKROTUNA Vol. 3 No. i (2016): Juli 2016

Publisher :

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Cheque in Google Scholar | Total PDF (615.267 KB) | DOI: x.32806/jf.v3i1.2711

Fenomena kriminalisasi dalam proses pembebasan tanah merupakan fenomena umum belakangan ini. Kasus penggusuran, khususunya penggusuran tanah secara paksa, hanyalah contoh kecil poros kesejahteraan sosial dan komitmen keadilan yang sering diabaikan negara dalam setiap pengambilan kebijakan. Ia juga menjadi bukti struktur relasi yang tidak seimbang antara negara, institusi modal, dan komunitas rakyat. Dalam konteks ini, "pembangunan" dan "kepentingan umum" (al-mashlahah al-âmmah/ public involvement) yang sering menjadi kata kunci penggusuran tanah rakyat, hanyalah kamuflase untuk mengelabuhi rakyat. Padahal yang sebenarnya punya kepentingan adalah mereka para konglomerat, investor, pemilik modal (baca: kaum borjuis/ kawula elit) dan orang-orang yang berada dalam lingkaran kekuasaan, bukan rakyat yang digusur atau dirampas tanahnya (kaum proletar, kawula alit). Realitas inilah yang memantik penulis untuk memproduksi wacana Fiqih Proletar; model fiqih yang punya komitamen untuk berpihak dan sekaligus memberikan advokasi kepada mereka yang lemah dan terlemahkan, bukan sebaliknya yang mendukung kekuasaan dengan memback-upnya melalui simbol-simbol keagamaan. Fiqih Proletar adalah milik mereka yang lemah dan terlemahkan (al-fiqih li al-du‟afâ‟ wa al-mustad‟ifîn), sekaligus menjadikan orang-orang yang berbuat dzalim dan tidak adil sebagai musuh yang harus diperangi. Dengan kata lain, Fiqih Proletar (di) lahir (kan) sebagai fiqih yang pro-rakyat (suatu komunitas yang sering tertindas- mustad‟ifîn), bukan fiqih penguasa. Ia diupayakan agar selalu bergerak dan digerakkan demi, oleh dan untuk rakyat mayoritas. Ia menjadi fiqih humanis yang menentang fiqih struktur otoritarian. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini akan menyorot problem tanah yang sering melibatkan rakyat kecil vis a vis kekuasaan yang akan ditinjau dari perspektif "Fiqih Proletar" dengan menggunakan pisau analisis teori mashlahah, khususnya "teori kepentingan umum" (mashlahah al-„âmmah/public interest) yang telah direkonstruksi. Dalam perspektif Fiqih Protelar ini pula, penulis mencoba untuk mengkonstruk ulang pemahaman atas nalar "kepentingan umum" yang kerapkali digunakansebagai dalih dan topeng dalam berbagai kasus penggusuran. Hasil dari pada rekonstruksi tersebut adalah bahwa kaidah yang menyatakan: "Kepentingan umum harus diprioritaskan dari pada kepentingan individu" (al- mashlahah al-'âmmah muqaddam 'alâ al-mashlahah al-fardiyyah; اَلْمَصْلَحَتُ اُلْعَامَّتُ مقَدَّ مُ عَُلَى اُلْمَصْلَحَ تُ اُلْفَسْ دِّيَت , dalam beberapa hal, perlu mendapatkan penjelasan dan aplikasi penyelesaian secara adil, jelas dan tegas (clear and distinc), serta proporsional.

Implementasi Pembelajaran Peer Instruction Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA Karya Ibu Palembang Sumatera Selatan MUNIRUL IKHWAN
FIKROTUNA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Juli 2016

Publisher :

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstruse | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Total PDF (159.464 KB) | DOI: ten.32806/jf.v3i1.2713

The purpose of this study is to describe the activities of Islamic religious didactics and the implementation of peer teaching on PAI discipline at SMA Karya Ibu Palembang. Therefore, this research is a descriptive report, the inquiry that explores the description a symptom, specific activities with the data qualitatively. The data analysis used in this written report is interactive model (data reduction, data display, data verification).The findings of the study showed that the school policy to the implementation of Islamic educational activity is; that PAI subject was taught in SMA Karya Ibu with the time allocation 3 hours of subject per calendar week. 2 hours of subject was a core school hours, while the one-hour discipline is a subject hours plus extra for religious programs. The implementation of peer teaching on PAI subject can be quite successful, but it yet needs to be improved further. Because there are some things that need to exist considered in order to improve the quality of learning, especially in PAI subject area at SMA Karya Ibu Palembang in the time to come time.

Peran Kepala Sekolah Dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Islam FAUZI SAYUTI
FIKROTUNA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Juli 2016

Publisher :

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Bank check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (400.249 KB) | DOI: 10.32806/jf.v3i1.2714

The school principal has a very important role in improving the quality of the institution. This is because; in the hands of a leader who is a 'master' in his institution will occur changes to the quality standards expected. The exact roles and advisable functions must exist washed by a school principal to achieve the goal. A school chief is emphasized to sympathise what office should exist done, whether equally an educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator, or motivator. By understanding and doing the school principal well so the school principal volition exist able to lead the institution well.In improver, the school primary must have spirit of struggle as agent of modify in improving the quality of education to the defined quality standard. This tin be done with the steps include: the conception of the vision, mission, goals and objectives of institution, controlling, SWOT analysis, programs plan to ameliorate the quality, transparency, participation of schoolhouse and society, independence and accountability, and changes to the quality standard.

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